Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας
Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, Φυτικής Παραγωγής & Αγροτικού Περιβάλλοντος

Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, Φυτικής Παραγωγής & Αγροτικού Περιβάλλοντος





Διευθυντής: Καθηγητής Γ. Νάνος

Καλύπτει διδακτικές και ερευνητικές ανάγκες σε θέματα θεωρητικής και εφαρμοσμένης δενδροκομίας, όπως: φυσιολογία, οικολογία, πολλαπλασιασμό, και καλλιεργητικές τεχνικές οπωροφόρων και την επίδραση τους στην παραγωγή και ποιότητα καρπών στο πλαίσιο της αειφόρου διαχείρισης των δενδρωδών καλλιεργειών.

Ώρες Γραφείου Γ. Νάνος:

Κάθε Τετάρτη 12:00 – 14:30

Ώρες Γραφείου Π. Μαλέτσικα:

Κάθε Γραφείου 11:00-13:00




Προπτυχιακό επίπεδο




  • Βιολογική Γεωργία και Νέες Μέθοδοι Παραγωγής (9ο εξάμηνο σπουδών, συνδιδασκαλία)
  • Ελαιοκομία (10ο εξάμηνο σπουδών)


  • Παραγωγή Αγενώς Πολλαπλασιαζόμενου Υλικού (10ο εξάμηνο σπουδών, συνδιδασκαλία)


Μεταπτυχιακό επίπεδο

  • Δενδροκομία και Περιβάλλον
  • Καινοτομίες στη Δενδροκομία
  • Επιστημονική Μεθοδολογία Έρευνας και Συγγραφής Επιστημονικών Εργασιών
  • Γονιμότητα Εδαφών – Θρέψη Φυτού


  • Αξιολόγηση τοπικών Ελληνικών ποικιλιών μηλιάς, ροδακινιάς, κερασιάς και ακτινιδιάς για ορθολογική ανάπτυξη της καλλιέργειας τους
  • Χρήση όζοντος και 1-MCP στη συντήρηση μήλων και άλλων καρπών
  • Εφαρμογή γεωργίας ακριβείας στη μηλιά, ελιά, αχλαδιά, άμπελο
  • Επίδραση ρυπογόνων (τσιμέντο, έδαφος) και μη (καολίνης) κόνεων στη φυσιολογία φυτού και ποιότητα καρπού στη ροδακινιά και ελιά
  • Επίδραση τροποσφαιρικού όζοντος και αλατότητας στη φυσιολογία της ελιάς
  • Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων φρεσκοκομμένων φρούτων
  • Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων τροφίμων με υψηλή διατροφική αξία
  • Ανάπτυξη υποπροϊόντων επεξεργασίας νωπών καρπών για προσθετικά τροφίμων
  • Περιορισμένη άρδευση στη φυσιολογία φυτού και ποιότητα καρπού
  • Ανακλαστικό πλαστικό εδαφοκάλυψης και ποιότητα καρπού
  • Ενεργειακό αποτύπωμα καλλιέργειας ελιάς και μηλιάς
  • Ανάλυση Κύκλου Ζωής μηλιάς
  • Άριστη χρήση εισροών ανόργανων θρεπτικών και νερού στη μηλιά, αχλαδιά, ροδακινιά και κερασιά
  • Χρήση μεθόδων έξυπνης γεωργίας και υποστήριξης των γεωπόνων και παραγωγών στην καλλιέργεια νωπών καρπών

Δημοσιεύσεις Εργαστηρίου Δενδροκομίας

Nanos G.D. and I.F. Ilias, 2007. Effects of inert dust on olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf physiological parameters. Environmental Sci. Pollution Res. 14(3):212-214.

Kaltsas A.M., A.P. Mamolos, C.A. Tsatsarelis, G.D. Nanos and K.L. Kalburtji, 2007. Energy budget in organic and conventional olive groves. Agric. Ecosystems & Environment 122:243-251.

Papachristos, D.P., N.T. Papadopoulos and G.D. Nanos, 2008. Survival and development of immature stages of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in citrus fruits. J. Economic Entomology 101:866-872.

Aggelopoulou, K. D., D. Wulfsohn, S. Fountas, T. A. Gemtos, G.D. Nanos and S. Blackmore, 2010. Spatial variation in yield and quality in a small apple orchard. Precision Agriculture 11(5):538-556.

Mavromatis, A.G., I. Arvanitoyannis, G. Nanos, M. Sakellariou, C. Ilanidis and A. Korkovelos, 2010. Molecular fingerprinting of a new kiwifruit cultivar (cv. Tsehelidis) and comparative analysis with cv. Hayward according to physicochemical properties. Sci. Horticulturae 125:277-282.

Aggelopoulou, K. D., D. Pateras, S. Fountas, T. A. Gemtos and G.D. Nanos, 2011. Soil spatial variability and site-specific fertilization maps in an apple orchard. Precision Agriculture 12:118-129.

Fountas, S., K. Aggelopoulou, C. Bouloulis, G.D. Nanos, D. Wulfsohn, T. Gemtos, A. Paraskevopoulos and M. Galanis, 2011. Site-specific management in an olive tree plantation, Precision Agriculture 12:179-185

Aggelopoulou, A.D., D. Bochtis, S. Fountas, K.C. Swain, T.A. Gemtos, and G.D. Nanos, 2011. Yield prediction in apple orchards based on image processing. Precision Agric. 12:448-456

Pliakoni, E.D., G.D. Nanos and M.I. Gil, 2010. Two seasonal study of the influence of regulated deficit irrigation and reflective mulch on individual and total phenolic compounds of nectarines at harvest and during storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58(22):11783-11789

Abusafieh D. and G.D. Nanos, 2011. Influence of ambient ozone pollution on olive leaf gas exchange irrigated with saline water. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 13:806-810

Papageorgiou E., A. Aggelopoulou, T. Gemtos and G.D. Nanos, 2013. Yield prediction in apples using Fuzzy Cognitive Map learning approach. Comp Electr. Agric., 91:19-29.

Solomou A.D., A.I. Sfougaris, K.L. Kalburtji & G.D. Nanos, 2013. Effects of organic farming on winter plant composition, cover and diversity in olive grove ecosystems in central Greece. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis 44:312–319.

Nanos G.D., E.D. Pliakoni, E.A. Kalorizou and A. Vatsanidou, 2013. Differences in leaf gas exchange and leaf characteristics between two almond cultivars. Fruit Growing Research Vol. XXIX, pp. 84-89

Maletsika P.A. and G.D. Nanos, 2015. Leaf and fruit responses to kaolin particle film applied onto mature olive trees. J. Biology, Agriculture & Healthcare, 5(7) ISSN 2224-3208

Maletsika P.A., G.D. Nanos and G.G. Stavroulakis, 2015. Peach leaf responses to soil and cement dust pollution. Environ. Science & Pollution Res. 22(20):15952-15960

Lalas S., V. Athanasiadis, I. Karageorgou, G. Batra, G.D. Nanos and D.P. Makris, 2017. Nutritional characterization of leaves and herbal tea of Moringa oleifera cultivated in Greece. J. Herbs, Spices, Medicinal Plants 10:1080

Liakos V., A. Tagarakis, K. Aggelopoulou, S. Fountas, G.D. Nanos and T. Gemtos, 2017. In-season prediction of yield variability in an apple orchard. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. 82 (5) 251-259

Batra G., O. Gortzi, S. Lalas, A. Galidi, A. Alibade and G.D. Nanos, 2017. Enhanced antioxidant activity of Capsicum annuum L. and Moringa oleifera L. extracts after encapsulation in microemulsions. ChemEngineering 1, 15

Vatsanidou A., G.D. Nanos, S. Fountas, J. Baras, A. Castrignano and T.A. Gemtos, 2017. Nitrogen replenishment using variable rate application technique in a small hand-harvested pear orchard. Spanish J. Agric. Res. 15(4), 30209

Papageorgiou, E.I., Aggelopoulou, K., Gemtos, T.A., Nanos, G.D., 2018. Development and evaluation of a fuzzy inference system and a neuro-fuzzy inference system for grading apple quality. Applied Artificial Ιntelligence 32(3), 253-280

Liakos V., Smith E., Fountas S., Nanos G., Kalfountzos D., and Gemtos T., 2020. On-farm evaluation of variable rate fertilizer applications using yield-based mathematical formulae in a Greek apple orchard. Intern. J. Fruit Science 10:1080

Vatsanidou A., Fountas S., Liakos V., Nanos G., Katsoulas N and Gemtos T., 2020. Life cycle assessment of variable rate fertilizer application in a pear orchard. Sustainability 12, 6893

Konstantina Fotia, Andi Mehmeti, Ioannis Tsirogiannis, George Nanos, Andreas P. Mamolos, Nikolaos Malamos, Pantelis Barouchas, and Mladen Todorovic, 2021. LCA-based environmental performance of olive cultivation: rainfed vs. irrigated using conventional and smart irrigation practices, in the plain of Arta, Greece. Water 13, 01954.

Konstantina Fotia, George Nanos, Pantelis Barouchas, Markos Giannelos, Aikaterini Linardi, Aikaterini Vallianatou, Paraskevi Mpeza and Ioannis Tsirogiannis, 2022. Growth Development, Physiological Status and Water Footprint Assessment of Nursery Young Olive Trees (Olea europaea L. ‘Konservolea’) Irrigated with Urban Treated Wastewater. Resources 11, 40

Persefoni Maletsika, Chris Cavalaris, Vasileios Giouvanis and George D. Nanos, 2022. Effects of Alternative Fertilization and Irrigation Practices on the Energy Use and Carbon Footprint of Canning Peach Orchards. Sustainability, 14, 8583

  1. Maletsika, V. Liava, E. Sarrou, V.S. Titeli, E. Nasiopoulou, S. Martens, E. Karagiannis, K. Grigoriadou, A. Molassiotis and G.D. Nanos, 2023. Foliar Calcium Effects on Quality and Primary and Secondary Metabolites of White-Fleshed ‘Lemonato’ Peaches. Horticulturae 9, 299

Niki Mougiou, Persefoni Maletsika, Aristarhos Konstantinidis, Katerina Grigoriadou and Anagnostis Argiriou, 2023. Morphological and molecular characterization of a new self-compatible almond variety. Agriculture 13:1362

Giovanoudis, I.; Athanasiadis, V.; Chatzimitakos, T.; Kalompatsios, D.; Bozinou, E.; Gortzi, O.; Nanos, G.D.; Lalas, S.I., 2023. Implementation of Cloud Point Extraction Using Surfactants in the Recovery of Polyphenols from Apricot Cannery Waste. Eng 4, 1225–1235.

Giovanoudis, I., Athanasiadis, V., Chatzimitakos, T., Kalompatsios, D., Bozinou, E., Gortzi, O., Nanos, G.D., and Lalas, S.I., 2023. Isolation of Polyphenols from Two Waste Streams of Clingstone Peach Canneries Utilizing the Cloud Point Extraction Method. Biomass 3, 291–305.

Giovanoudis I., Athanasiadis V., Chatzimitakos T., Kalompatsios D., Mantiniotou M., Bozinou E., Gortzi O., Nanos G.D. and Lalas S.I., 2023. Antioxidant Capacity in Two Different Cultivars of Ripe and Unripe Peaches Utilizing the Cloud-Point Extraction Method. AgriEngineering 5, 2139–2154.

Crisosto C.H., L. Ferguson and G. Nanos, 2011. Olive (Olea europaea L.). In: E.M. Yahia (Ed.), Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp.63-85.

Nanos G.D. and G. Dianellos, 2011. Energy analysis for apple growing in Pelion, Central Greece. Annals of Valahia University of Targoviste, Fac. Environmental Engineering, pp. 4-8

Maletsika P.A. and G.D. Nanos, 2011. Effects of particulate matter contamination on apple, peach and olive tree leaf characteristics and olive leaf inorganic element composition. Valahia University of Targoviste, Fac. Environmental Engineering, pp. 9-14

E.D. Pliakoni and G.D. Nanos, 2012. Effects of reflective mulch on leaf physiology and fruit quality and storability in olives cv. Konservolea. Acta Hort. 949:385-390

  1. Pastopoulos, E.D. Pliakoni and G.D. Nanos, 2012. Kaolin sprays and individual fruit bagging effects on quince fruit quality. Acta Hort. 940:381-386

Papageorgiou E, K. Aggelopoulou, N. Liolios, T. Gemtos, G. Nanos, 2012. Machine learning and fuzzy cognitive map learning approaches for yield prediction in apples. CIGR-AgEng2012, July 2012, Valencia, Spain

Maletsika P., A. Papafilippaki, G.D. Nanos, G.G. Stavroulakis, 2012. Particulate matter pollution effects on the inorganic constituents of fresh and processed table olives. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. OliveBioTecq 2011 (Ed. K.S. Chartzoulakis), Vol. II, p. 481-486

Maletsika P.A., G.D. Nanos, 2013. Effects of particulate matter contamination on peach leaf physiological functions. Acta Hort. 981:643-650

Liakos V., A. Tagarakis, A. Vatsanidou, S. Fountas, G. Nanos, T. Gemtos, 2013. Application of variable rate fertilizer in a commercial apple orchard. Precision Agriculture 2013; 9th Eur. Conf. on Precision Agriculture, p. 675-681

Maletsika P., G.D. Nanos, I. Papoulia, M. Vasilakakis, 2015. The effect of postharvest application of O3 and 1-MCP on ‘Red Chief’ apple during prolonged air cold storage. Acta Hort. 1079:429-434 Georgoudaki T., G.D. Nanos, 2015. Quality of fresh-cut apples treated at harvest with 1-MCP. Acta Hort. 1079:441-446

Nanos G.D., P. Maletsika, T. Georgoudaki and G. Tsiatsios, 2022. Nutrient inputs and outputs in commercial clingstone peach orchards in Greece based on conventional or sustainable fertilization practices. Acta Hortic. 1352:525-531.

Maletsika P., N. Tserlikakis, T. Georgoudaki, V. Giouvanis and G.D. Nanos, 2022. Alternative fertilization effects on peach and nectarine plant and fruit characteristics. Acta Hortic. 1352:547-553.

Moutsinas I., P. Maletsika, A. Apostolaras, J. Mavridis, A. Kalkanof, T. Korakis and G.D. Nanos, 2022. Development of an innovative smart-farming and decision-support service to improve clingstone peach cultivation. Acta Hortic. 1352:583-591.

Moutsinas I., P. Maletsika, V. Zafeiris, F. Oikonomou, G. Tziokas, A. Serafeim, A. Apostolaras, G. D. Nanos, and T. Korakis, 2022. Application of the AgroNIT smart-farming and decision-support platform to support the cultivation of major tree crops in Thessaly, Greece. Proc. 10th International Conference on ICT in Agriculture, Food & Environment, Athens, September 2022, https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3293/paper114.pdf

Moutsinas, I., Kalkanof, A., Mavridis, J., Zafeiris, V., Oikonomou, F., Tziokas, G., Themelis K., Kyriakou K., Theologou C., Serafeim A., Apostolaras A., Maletsika P., Nanos G.D., & Korakis, T., 2022. AgroNIT: Innovating Precision Agriculture. Proc. Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS) – IEEE, Kefalonia, September 2022, pp. 6-12.

Moutsinas Ι., P. Maletsika, V. Zafeiris, G. Tziokas, A. Serafeim, A. Apostolaras, V. Giouvanis, T. Korakis & G.D. Nanos, 2023. Use of the AgroNIT smart-farming & decision-support platform for the real-time irrigation management and assessment of its impact on pear and cherry tree crops’ economy and nutrition in Thessaly, Greece. To be published from Xth ISHS Irrigation Symposium, Stellenbosch, South Africa, February 2023. Acta Hortic. In press

  1. Fotia, G. Nanos, N. Malamos, M. Giannelos, P. Mpeza, and I. Tsirogiannis, 2023. Water footprint and performance assessment of a table olive cultivar (Olea europaea L. ‘Konservolea’) under various irrigation strategies. Acta Hortic. 1373, 57-64

S. Pastopoulos, E.D. Pliakoni and G.D. Nanos, 2012. Kaolin sprays and individual fruit bagging effects on quince fruit quality. Acta Hort. 940:381-386

Papageorgiou E, K. Aggelopoulou, N. Liolios, T. Gemtos, G. Nanos, 2012. Machine learning and fuzzy cognitive map learning approaches for yield prediction in apples. CIGR-AgEng2012, July 2012, Valencia, Spain

Maletsika P., A. Papafilippaki, G.D. Nanos, G.G. Stavroulakis, 2012. Particulate matter pollution effects on the inorganic constituents of fresh and processed table olives. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. OliveBioTecq 2011 (Ed. K.S. Chartzoulakis), Vol. II, p. 481-486

Maletsika P.A., G.D. Nanos, 2013. Effects of particulate matter contamination on peach leaf physiological functions. Acta Hort. 981:643-650

Liakos V., A. Tagarakis, A. Vatsanidou, S. Fountas, G. Nanos, T. Gemtos, 2013. Application of variable rate fertilizer in a commercial apple orchard. Precision Agriculture 2013; 9th Eur. Conf. on Precision Agriculture, p. 675-681

Maletsika P., G.D. Nanos, I. Papoulia, M. Vasilakakis, 2015. The effect of postharvest application of O3 and 1-MCP on ‘Red Chief’ apple during prolonged air cold storage. Acta Hort. 1079:429-434 Georgoudaki T., G.D. Nanos, 2015. Quality of fresh-cut apples treated at harvest with 1-MCP. Acta Hort. 1079:441-446

Nanos G.D., A. Mpezou, T. Georgoudaki, 2015. Effects of 1-MCP and storage temperature on quince fruit quality. Acta Hort. 1079:453-458


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